Airsoft Field Rules


Before anyone can participate in Black Ops Airsoft, they must fill out our online waiver. Please make sure all information is filled out correctly (birthday and spelling of name) prior to paying admission. Click here click here to print our waiver.

Black Ops Bristol Ruleset

  1. Basic Field Rules
    1. Age restriction: 10+ on Fridays, 12+ for Saturdays & Sundays.
    2. Eye protection: ALL players required to wear full seal, ANSI Z87.1 rated, goggles. Players under 18 are required to wear full face covering.
    3. All guns may not have magazines in them or be holstered in safe zones.
    4. Eye protection must STAY ON AT ALL TIMES ON THE FIELD. Players caught taking their eye protection off while on the field will be asked to leave.
  2. Field Conduct
    1. CALL YOUR HITS! Airsoft is an honor-based sport, cheating ruins everyone’s fun and IS NOT tolerated. If you suspect a player is cheating, call for a referee. Be ready to give them a good description of the offending player.
    2. Theft of any kind will result in a permanent ban.
    3. Any form of physical altercation or verbal abuse will not be tolerated. Involve a ref if anyone is screaming or yelling and move on to not escalate the situation.
    4. Do not intentionally block or provide cover for teammates after being hit. All players are permitted three steps to get out of the line of fire when medics are in play. Otherwise find a fire free way back to respawn.
    5. Do not blind fire. You must be able to look down the sights of your guns to shoot.
    6. Do not climb on buildings, vehicles, trees, deer stands, or anything else.
    7. If you hit another player and they do not call the hit, tell them nicely they must take that hit. If you begin shouting or using abrasive language you are immediately in the wrong and must call yourself out. Likewise, if a player informs you that you are hit, even if you did not feel anything, you must call the hit.
  3. Hits
    1. Any direct hit to any part of the body/gear counts.
    2. After being hit, raise your hand/gun and yell “HIT!”
    3. Ricochets DO NOT count.
    4. Gun hits do not count, unless it would go through the gun and hit the player – guns are not hard cover!
    5. Any rubber melee hits count as a kill. Melee weapons must be of a soft rubber construction and are only permitted to tap kill. No stabbing, thrusting or chopping. Throwing is permitted but ONLY UNDERHAND!
    6. Friendly fire counts! Team kills are still kills.
  4. Bang Kill/Minimum Engagement Distance (MED)
    1. When within 10 feet, you must audibly say “bang kill” to kill an enemy player.
    2. In order to “bang kill,” your gun must be pointed at the player the entire time “bang kill” is said.
    3. LMGs, DMRs, Snipers, Pistols, and Shotguns cannot be used to “bang kill.”
  5. Grenades/Mines
    1. Only wire pull smoke grenades are allowed on the field. (NO homemade smokes)
    2. Pyrotechnic grenades are permitted, including certain TAGinn grenades.
    3. Approved TAGinn grenades include: Paladin and Archangel rounds for anti-vehicle use. Reaper rounds are allowed for building clearing, however, they are only allowed to be fired through doorways. All thrown TAGinn grenades are permitted unless they contain paint.
    4. DO NOT intentionally fire any TAGinn rounds directly at players.
    5. Sound only (banger) grenades have a 15ft kill radius for infantry, and a 5ft kill radius on vehicles. If thrown into a building, everyone in the room is dead. DO NOT throw grenades over building walls. You CAN throw grenades over fences, shelves, ect.
    6. Claymores kill by BB hit only.
    7. layers are permitted to dive on grenades. Diving on a grenade to save your team results in that player’s immediate death after detonation. They cannot be saved by a medic and after any active bleed outs for the game go back to respawn.
  6. Grenade/Rocket Launcher
    1. Single grenade launchers and six barrel launchers are permitted for use. If carrying a 6 barrel grenade launcher, a pistol or shotgun is the only other permitted weapon that can be carried.
    2. One shot with a grenade clears a room, unless someone is fully behind hard cover. Grenade launchers can be “blind fired” for this purpose. If shooting a grenade launcher “blind fire” you must angle it towards the ground. If a majority of the BBs go into the room, it is considered cleared. This also counts for single projectile launchers such as foam balls. Shower shells fired at players outside a building from a grenade launcher only kill by BB hit. If fired at a vehicle grenade launcher hits put it into a disabled state.
    3. Rockets instantly kill a vehicle and all occupants. If a rocket is fired into a room then all players inside that room are considered dead. Rockets have a 15ft kill radius on infantry, and a 5ft kill radius on vehicles. A shower shell kills players only on a BB hit, and a vehicle if the majority of BBs impact the vehicle.
    4. Reloading grenade launchers is permitted if you have additional shells carried on you. If you need to recharge a grenade shell with gas it must be done at a respawn or friendly FoB. Rocket launchers follow these same rules. However if the real world equivalent of your rocket launcher replica is a one shot launcher such as the LAW or AT4 then it can only be reloaded at a Respawn or FoB regardless of the number of shells you are carrying.
  7. Medic Rules
    1. Medics will have white tape on their right arm or the front & back of their gear.
    2. Wounded players CANNOT MOVE without aid. Live players may place a hand on a wounded player’s shoulder and walk with them. Contact must be maintained during movement. Wounded plays may take up to three steps to get out of the line of fire.
    3. Wounded players CANNOT TALK unless calling for a medic.
    4. Medics must wrap and tuck bandages around a wounded player’s arm. Do not tie bandages. (Mil-Sim West Tourniquets are permitted)
    5. Tourniquets must not have pre-set loops and must be fully set up by the medic applying aid.
    6. Medics cannot medic themselves.
    7. Players may only be bandaged twice, after which they must return to spawn AFTER their final bleed out.
    8. Upon respawning from a base, all bandages are removed.
  8. Searching Players
    1. Live players may approach wounded players and search them for intel.
    2. To initiate a search, the enemy player puts their hand on the wounded player and says, “I am searching you.” The wounded player must relinquish any intel items in their possession at the time of the search.
    3. DO NOT take any other items from the player. ONLY INTEL may be taken.
  9. FOB Rules
    1. Forward operating bases can be captured by either team. In order for a team to spawn at that base, their flag must be raised.
    2. Dead players must wait 2 minutes at an FOB before spawning back into the game. You must still complete your bleed out time at the location where you were shot.
    3. Spawning at an FOB allows dead/wounded players to remove all previous bandages.
  10. Vehicles
    1. Vehicles will be operated only by BOA staff.
    2. DO NOT lie near roads, trails, or paths while vehicles are in play.
    3. Players are not allowed to exit or enter ANY moving vehicle.
    4. DO NOT exit or enter a vehicle while it is in motion.
    5. Players MUST remain 10ft away from any moving vehicle.
    6. Disabling a Vehicle:
      1. Disabled vehicles will declare they are diabled and immediately stop moving. Players inside may still fire out of the vehicle.
      2. In order to disable a vehicle, a 40mm grenade/frag/rocket must be shot/thrown at the vehicle.
      3. After being disabled, the vehicle will “burn” for one minute, any players remaining in the vehicle will be considered dead. The vehicle will then return to base, where it will be “repaired” for 10 minutes. Rockets immediately destroy the impacted vehicle and kill all occupants inside.
      4. Once destroyed the vehicle will display a red kill flag.
  11. Ballistic Shields
    1. Shields must weigh 26 lbs, be no taller than 3 feet, and no wider than 18 inches.
    2. Shield carriers are only allowed to use pistols when carrying the shield.
    3. The shield cannot be passed off to other players in the event of the shield carrier being hit.
    4. Ballistic shields are not allowed to cover parts of a window, the shield must cover the entire window.
    5. Shields are not allowed on Saturdays unless otherwise stated.
  12. Chrono Restrictions (MED = Minimum Engagement Distance)
    1. No MED for pistols/Shotguns chronoed at 350 FPS with .20g BBs.
    2. 10′ MED with AEG Rifles/SMGs chronoed at 400 FPS with .20g BBs. Semi-auto only unless otherwise specified.
    3. 20′ MED with LMG chronoed at 400 FPS with .20g BBs. Full auto is allowed at 26 rounds-per-second MAX. LMGs must use Box/Drum magazines. LMGs are any real world LMG/HMG replicas.
    4. 50′ MED with DMR chronoed at 450 FPS with .20g BBs. DMR’s MUST be semi locked.
    5. 100′ MED with Sniper rifles chronoed at 500 FPS with .20g BBs. Sniper rifles are bolt actions only.
    6. HPA (High Pressure Air)
      1. 10′ MED with HPA rifles/SMGs chronoed at 1.42J with .32g BBs. Semi-auto only unless otherwise specified.
      2. 20′ MED with HPA LMG chronoed at 1.42J with .32g BBs. Full auto is allowed at 26 rounds-per-second MAX. LMGs must use Box/Drum magazines. LMGs are any real world LMG/HMG replicas.
      3. 50′ MED with HPA DMR chronoed at 1.78 J with .32g BBs. DMR’s MUST be semi locked.
      4. 100′ MED with HPA Sniper chronoed at 2.28 J with .32g BBs. Sniper rifles are bolt actions only.
  13. Friday (Full-Auto Friday)
    1. Uniform Restrictions
    3. Mixed/No uniforms will require you to be marked appropriately by a referee. All chrono restrictions remain the same as stated in section 12, EXCEPT: Any gun capable of firing full auto can do so and MUST observe a 20′ MED.
  14. Saturday (Mil-Sim Saturday during the months of May through October)
    1. Camo Restrictions – Green vs. Tan
      1. Woodland, Woodland Digital, AOR2, Atacs FG, Multicam Tropic, Ranger Green, OD Green, Green Flight Suit, Flecktarn, Black, German Bundeswehr, Canadian Disruptive Pattern, Camouflage Europe Centrale, Australian Defense Force Disruptive Pattern Camouflage, United Kingdom Disruptive Pattern Material,Erbsenmuster, ERDL (M1948), Flächentarnmuster, Black, Multicam Black, Subdued Urban Digital, Kryptek Typhon, ANY green dominated camo patterns, ANY dark or dark dominated camo patterns or colors.
      2. Tan Team: Multicam, AOR1, Desert Digital, Atacs AU, DCU, Khaki, Sand, Multicam Arid, Kryptek Nomad, Tan Flight Suit, Desert Marpat, UCP, Desert Camouflage Pattern (three-color),Desert Camouflage Pattern (sixcolor),Desert Night Camouflage, ANY light gray, ANY light/arid/faded shades of green, ANY light/arid/faded shades of brown, ANY light/arid/faded camo patterns or colors in general.
    3. Black Ops Airsoft reserves the right to decide on team placement in cases where camo or kit is not listed. Do not mix the base colors of your tops and bottoms (IE: Woodland Pants with Tan Top), your base must be the same team base color.
    4. All chrono restrictions remain the same as stated in section 12. With the exception of rifles/SMGs changing to 0 MED, and pistols have the same FPS/J limits as Rifles.
    5. Players are NOT permitted to mix camo colors such as wearing Tan tops with Green pants
  15. Sunday
    1. Camo Restrictions – Green vs. Tan
    3. Mixed/No uniforms will require you to be marked appropriately by a referee.