Chocolate and Wine Smuggling Is On The Rise


Chocolate and Wine Smuggling Is On The Rise

By Gemma Donaldson

As illegal as it is to take Ataraxite off Ataraxia, so closely guarded are chocolates from Sin, a moon of Djinn’s Bane, and wine from Victoria, a high-class health resort moon in the Blue Sun System. As with most things illegal, that seems to only increase the demand for these items. While Victoria and Sin adamantly refuse to export these items, a growing smuggling trade has begun to fill the demand. This reporter is unsure why chocolate and wine would be illegal export items or why they are so closely guarded on their respective worlds. While this may be nothing more than an attempt to continue the class divide on Victoria or a way to increase tourism to Sin, like Ataraxite, there may be a hidden danger to these items. I can only urge caution if you find any of these illegal items, and urge you to turn them over to the PFSD. It is this reporter’s opinion that we have enough problems with illegal activities and contraband items on Ataraxia to go adding to it over wine and chocolate.