Freefall 2021 Rules


Common Decency

Please treat others in a way that isn’t disrespectful to them as a human. Racist, bigoted, and homophobic statements and viewpoints can be kept to the privacy of your own mind, not said out loud. Nobody cares about your religious, political, or otherwise real-world views. Keep them to yourself. If you cannot, you will be asked to leave and there won’t be a refund.

Under no circumstances does this mean you can’t be an asshole. I don’t care if other people don’t like you. You are not obligated to make other people happy. That said, you aren’t allowed to use anything that is considered hate speech in the real world. If you are being too aggressive, the staff will talk to you about it. We are aiming for de-escalation and conflict resolution. Do not become a problem. We don’t want to babysit adults. Do not make us do that.

Keep Your Hands To Yourself

This should not need to be explained, but if you put your hands on another person without their express consent, you will be leaving and will not get a refund. I’m not going to be throwing people out for forgetting to ask on the field when doing a combat carry, but if I have to remind you more than once, you’ll be heading that way. If you pick a physical fight with another person, you will be leaving in a squad car, there will not be a refund, and you will not be welcome back.


I try to do check-in the night before the event as a convenience to both the players and the staff. That said, check-in is mandatory. If you do not check-in, you will not be playing. Wristbands are required. If yours breaks, bring it to the staff and we’ll get you a new one. If you don’t have a wristband, you’ll be asked to sign in and pay or leave.


The Staff is listed on the website. This will include a short blurb about what area of the game that they are handling. If they’re not listed on the website, they are not part of the staff. There are both Staff and Refs. We are also adding Lore Masters. They will be able to tell you if something is canon or in-universe or not. Lore Masters will also be listed on the Website so that you can identify them easily if you have any questions.

Staff also has the ability to tell you to take a walk and cool off if you’re picking fights with people. You can choose to do so or you can keep escalating the situation and get a yellow flag. A yellow flag indicates that you are in a half an hour time out. If you keep running your mouth, you’ll get a red flag and be out for an hour. Don’t push it beyond that. We’ll just kick you out and not give you a refund. Act like a fucking adult. We are not here to babysit anyone.

In-Game or Out of Game

You must indicate if you are out of the game. Put a kill rag on your head, or if it’s just a short moment, put a fist on top of your head. If you do not indicate that you are out of the game, you are in-game. There are no exceptions, I do not care if you forgot. You may not escape in-game consequences by flipping in and out of the game. We have kicked people out for this before, don’t think we won’t do it again. If you are in time out, you are out of the game. Go sit in your tent or your car. You don’t get to go hang out with your friends while you’re in time out.

The Bank

The bank is not able to be robbed. Do not try. The banker is an NPC and not able to be killed. If you stun the banker, the bank may close for a while because the banker doesn’t want to deal with your shit. You can be banned from the bank by the banker if you keep harassing them. That means that all of your money can be looted. Think carefully before you try any of this.


You may only use drones on the airsoft field. Drones can only be used for recon. All FAA rules must be followed. To be able to use your drone in-game will cost 10k Ataraxian Dollars, you must show the staff that you have not only filed your flight plan but also paid for your license to be able to fly. You may see a drone over the town, they are being used to take footage for the website. YOU MAY NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, SHOOT AT A DRONE!


All airsoft will follow Black Op Airsoft field rules. Carrying a wounded person is done by putting your hand on their shoulder. You still need to ask if it’s ok to touch that person. If they do not want to be touched, they have two choices. They can “bleed out” and see a member of staff or you can put your hand up indicating that you are carrying them and they can walk beside you. All airsoft guns must have the mag out and a barrel sock or barrel plug in use on every gun when in the goggle-free safe zone.


When engaging in combat in the town area, physical combat is done with Rock, Paper, Scissors. There is no lizard, Spock, or bomb. If you know, you know. Get the attention of the other player, declare your intentions, lightly touch fists, and then throw. Any person with this book will be able to demonstrate this to you. In case you are not aware, rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, paper beats rock.

When engaging with a boffer weapon, please do not attempt to beat the other person to pieces. We all know how worked up and excited we can get in the heat of the moment, but let’s really try not to actually injure each other. Simply tap your opponent with the boffer weapon. This also goes for plastic knives. Under no circumstances should you attempt to stab someone with the pointy end, even if it is a boffer weapon. Using the flat of the blade will suffice.

Bladed replica weapons do stabbing/slashing damage.

Blunt replica weapons do bashing damage.

Nerf guns do 5 minutes of stun damage. Drop to the ground as safely as you are able. Shaking the person’s shoulder will wake them up. Unless the Sheriff shot you and then you need to seek medical attention. His gun is special, it will kill you.

If you are unsure of what your weapon will do, ask a Staff Member. If you want your nerf gun to be special too, the answer is no. Don’t bother asking, it won’t change unless it is a passible replica of the Lassiter or the other prop laser gun from Firefly that shoots nerf darts. Then the answer is yes, and also please do not sell them for use to the other players, but the main staff all want one because that’s awesome.


You can and absolutely should loot people that you stun or shoot. You may not take ANY of the person’s actual property, only in-game items. Lootable items include in-game money, any stones you have picked up, any scrap that you have, any in-game props that belong to the game, and any ore, lumber, or building material shipments that you may have.

After you shoot someone, simply hold out your hand and tell them that you are looting them. They are REQUIRED to hand over every lootable item they have. They will not begin the respawn mechanic before you can loot them. If you are found to not be handing over your lootable items, that is cheating and you will get a time-out. If you act like a child, we’ll treat you like one.


All players are issued an ID envelope when they register to play Freefall.  The contents of this small envelope reflect the health status of its bearer.  Medics, Doctors, and certain specialized Healer NPCs are the only players allowed to look at or remove the Health Status Cards contained in another player’s ID envelope.  Health Status Cards are color-coded to reflect the nature of the effect they represent.

Medical Roles

Field MedicDoctorSurgeon
May diagnose with a Red Wound Card. May apply a first aid kit to temporarily remove one wound level.May diagnose with a Red Wound Card. May apply a first aid kit to temporarily remove one wound level.May diagnose with a Red Wound Card. May apply a first aid kit to temporarily remove one wound level.
May treat Standard Wound Levels   1 to 3.May treat Standard Wound Levels 1 to 6.May treat Standard Wound Levels 1 to 9.
 May treat Blue Wound Levels 1 to 6.May treat Blue Wound Levels 1 to 9.

First Aid Kits

First Aid kits contain a small amount of medical gauze (enough to tie around the arm of a wounded player) and a card with the words FIRST-AID +1 written on it in green ink. First Aid Kits can be made by any medical professional, and they can be used by that medical professional or sold for in-game funds to any other medical professional. First Aid kits cannot stack. Once you have treated someone with a First Aid they may not be treated with another First Aid Kit. You can get further injuries, however, they cannot be treated outside of surgery.

Wounds take time to heal. Since this is a weekend-long game, even the direst wounds can be treated in a reasonable time. The initial treatment must be roleplayed, but after that, players must sit out of the game for five minutes per wound level to heal. That time can be spent volunteering for a different position for a bit. Players may choose to be a Reaver, play a cow, or even run one of the casino games that will be offered for play. All of these diversions are simple and easy to get into even if you have never done them before. The choice should be made after treatment and you will be sent to the appropriate area. All medicines given must be listed along with dosage and time given in the ID Envelope for treatment purposes. If you are overheating and need to hydrate, please let one of the staff members know so we can make sure you aren’t having serious medical issues.

Prop Usage

Medical personnel in this game are required to have and use props. This is not something you can escape as it is a LARP. New players may not be higher than a Field Medic. Doctors are a restricted role and one may only move from Field Medic to Doctor with ST Approval. Trust us, your ability to ham it up when role-playing and your use of props will go a long way in being able to move up. Surgeons are even rarer and restricted than Doctors. We ask that you play a Doctor for a few years before moving up. There will never be more than five Surgeons in play at a time. This is the Rim and not the Core. Good medical help should be a bit more difficult to acquire. That being said, those that put forth creativity and make the experience more fun for everyone by getting into their role will likely see a greater chance for rewards and advancement.

Red Cards are Wound Cards. They are used as a diagnostic card by a medical professional in order to start treatment.Blue Cards are Special Wound Cards. The effects of Radiation, Poisoning, or Non-Combat Wounds.Green Cards represent the amount of armor that you are wearing and count as additional health levels. Armor ranges from +1 to +3.
Once the card has been pulled, place it in the player’s ID holder. Surgeons are the only ones that can remove.Treat the same as a RED card. Doctors and above may treat and remove these cards.If you are injured apply the Red Card wound levels to armor before character health levels.

Wound Levels

  • 1 & 2 – Light Wound
    • No weapons restrictions.
    • No movement restrictions and must roleplay the appropriate injured location.
  • 3 & 4 – Moderate Wound
    • You may only fire a weapon on semi-automatic, and must roleplay the appropriate injured location (fractured rib, bad shoulder, sore leg, etc.)
    • You may only move unassisted at a normal walk, Faster if assisted.
  • 5 &6 – Serious Wound
    • You may only shoot a pistol or similar light sidearm.
    • You must roleplay the loss of function of the one most appropriate limb.
    • You must roleplay the inability to stand up on your own, but may crawl unassisted. You may move at a normal walk if assisted.
    • You are downed automatically in a Brawl.
  • 7 & 8 – Severe Wound.
    • You may not fire any weapon.
    • You must roleplay the inability to move under your own power.
    • You are downed automatically in a Brawl.
  • 9 – Critical Wound.
    • You may not fire any weapon.
    • You must roleplay complete unconsciousness, with the occasional optional seizure for additional drama.
  • 10 – Corpse.
    • You are dead, dead, dead. Hit the ground and stop twitching.
    • Dead men tell no tales. You cannot talk about what happened or who killed you.
    • Display your kill rag for at least 5 minutes and then go and check in with the Event Organizer or Ref.

Standard Medication

These medications are easily accessible to any standard med bay. They require a Doctor or Surgeon to obtain and administer. Just because they’re easily obtainable and standard, doesn’t mean that anyone can have them. They can be obtained through the black market without a medical license, however, you have to know who to talk to about gaining access to the black market.

PCE – PolyChloricEuthinolAlprazalineDilaftin
Type: Amphetamine
Method: Pill
Dosage: 2 60mg pills twice daily
Effect: Decrease the wound level by one for an hour
Overdose: Increase the wound level by one for an hour
Type: Opiate Painkiller
Method: Injection
Dosage: 10mg per 4 hours
Effect: Allows users to roleplay that they are two wound levels lower than they are for an hour.
Overdose: Do not use with Dilavtin or Bittamucin, the patient will die.
Type: Tissue Regenerator
Method: Topical
Dosage: draw a thick line over wound
Effect: Heals one wound level per minute for three minutes.
Overdose: Causes 4 wound levels if used with Propoxin in the same day.
Pascaline DMorpholDexill
Type: Narcotic
Method: Injection
Dosage: 5mg per 4 hours
Effect: Used in the treatment of Degenerative Bone and Muscle Issues
Overdose: Caution highly addictive
Type: Experimental Healing Compound
Method: Injection
Dosage: 10mg per 4 hours
Effect: This Drug will have a separate packet with it. It is opened with a wound card indicating Morphol and will have either a -2, -1, or +1 on it. That is immediately added/subtracted to the wound total.
Overdose: Causes 4 wound levels if used with Hydroxopam in the same day.
Type: Antipsychotic
Method: Pill
Dosage: 2 40mg pills twice daily
Effect: Calming effect in cases where the patient exhibits severe psychotic mania with possible hallucinations
Overdose: Tissue damage, respiratory episodes, delusional thinking, increased psychosis

Restricted Medications

You will not have access to these medications unless you have very strong black market ties or are an Alliance Doctor.

Type: Immune System Booster
Method: Injection
Dosage: 30mg per 6 hours
Effect: Eliminates all toxins in 10 seconds
Overdose: Vomiting, Difficulty Breathing, Blindness
Type: Cardio Strengthener
Method: Pill
Dosage: 3 40mg pills per 6 hours
Effect: Heals 2 wound levels in 15 seconds
Overdose: Cardiac Arrest, do not use with Dilaftin
Type: Tissue Regenerator
Method: Injection
Dosage: 20mg per 4 hours
Effect: Shortens recovery time to 2 minutes per wound
Overdose: Increase wound level by 2 for an hour to represent tissue necrosis
Type: Metabolic Suppressor
Method: Liquid or Pill
Dosage: 2 tbsp or 4 25mg pills per day
Effect: Mimics the effects of death. Reversed by Isoprovalyn.
Overdose: Severe hallucinations, paranoia, leading to cardiac arrest

Street Drugs

If you “know a guy” you can likely get your hands on these. Let the staff know what you took and we’ll roll for possible overdose or effect as needed.

Rocket FuelStumblerHappy Trails
Type: Amphetamine
Method: Pill $5 Alliance Credits per dose
Effect: See Effect Chart 1 on next page
Overdose: 1 in 6 chance Loss of Coordination for an hour after fixed
Type: Barbiturate
Method: Pill $5 Alliance Credits per dose
Effect: See Effect Chart 1 on next page
Overdose: 1 in 6 chance Lethargic for an hour after fixed
Type: Hallucinogen
Method: Pill $5 Alliance Credits per dose
Effect: See Effect Chart 1 on next page
Overdose: 1 in 6 chance Blind for an hour after fixed
Green DragonReaver MakerFocus Group
Type: Opiate
Method: Pill $5 Alliance Credits per dose
Effect: See Effect Chart 1 in next section
Overdose: 1 in 6 chance Shakes for an hour after fixed
Type: Amphetamine
Method: Green Crystal – Eat or Insert $5 Alliance Credits per dose
Effect: See Effect Chart 1 on next page, Immune to pain, Roll Effect Chart 2 regardless of Effect Chart 1
Overdose: 3 in 6 chance You go full Reaver, if you escape confinement, see Ian (Reaver Captain)
Type: Stimulant
Method: Pill $5 Alliance Credits per dose
Effect: See Effect Chart 1 on next page
Overdose: 1 in 6 chance Hands shake for 2 hours after, inability to focus on tasks.

Effect Charts

Things happen and sometimes the mix is off. If you do take something unpredictable, this is the chart to tell you what happens. Good luck…

Effect Chart 1Effect Chart 2
Roll a D6
1. OD – Need medical attention asap death in 10 minutes

2-5 Trippin ballz – Roll 1D6 and use Chart 2

6. That’s the good stuff – You feel the rush temporally heals 1 wounds and makes you able to shake off the 1st stun attacks
Roll a D6 1-2 Hallucinations you see pink dragons & must run around trying to escape. No real danger

3-4 Everything you touch feels like velvet or silk so you must touch everything you see for 5 minutes

5-6 You & your imaginary friend take a leisurely stroll through town greeting everyone as they pass by. Make sure to introduce your imaginary friend as well.
If the player gets a 2-5 on the drug results chart they will have to come back after the 1st effects wear off and get more.

Ending Notes

Rules are subject to change. If we spot a problem, we’ll change the rules to make sure it doesn’t happen again. If someone abuses a game mechanic, we’ll add a rule about it. We’ll do the best we can to make the game the most fun for everyone. Sometimes the staff will let something slide to make the story more fun for everyone. If you can’t handle that fact that the Staff will occasionally not side with you, then you need to re-examine what you’re looking for in a game and know this might not be it for you. I’m ok with that.

If you have an awesome idea, write it out and give it to us. If we like it, we may use it the next year, but it won’t be right now. The plot for the game is already set and planned for by the time the game starts. We can adapt a lot of things on the fly, but we are doing a lot of things that you might not see or hear about until after the game is over.

I will repeat this, for clarification. You don’t know everything that is going on. No one is going to run anything past you before giving someone else the go-ahead to do something. Sometimes it will look like the staff is cheating to benefit others because we asked them nicely to do something for plot purposes. No, we don’t care if you don’t like it. The reason this game is 16+ is that we expect you to be able to act like an adult and not have to have us hold your hand. If you cannot act like a grown-ass adult, we will not be there to put up with it, because we will flag you and walk away.

Some plotlines will carry from year to year, changing and evolving as they go. Remember though, this is a Firefly/Serenity game, we are not here to cater to anyone’s crossover fantasy.

Above all else, have fun!