Freefall III – 2009


Attracted by all the activity in the area, Reavers have attacked and destroyed the small independent port of Freefall on the planet Ataraxia. The Magistrate of Ataraxia has disappeared, and it is widely rumored (but currently unconfirmed) that he was among the casualties. Survivors of the carnage at Freefall have formed a refugee camp on the outskirts of the nearest habitable area, a fortress colony maintained by a militant religious cult calling itself the Followers of the True Path. Reaver depredations in the area continue, and illegal mining operations are rumored to continue as well. With the Magistrate missing, his army and police forces in tatters and his leasehold on Ataraxia in limbo, Alliance Task Force 7 is attempting to maintain order in the camp while organizing the construction and defense of a New Freefall settlement.